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    I wouldn’t mind riding during the winter season, especially in the snow. I see fat bikes are ideal when it comes to snow riding, and I was wondering what fat bikes out there are worth getting to ride in the snow? I plan to ride around in all weather so it’d have to be all terrain anyway.


    I’ve always wanted to own a fat bike, especially since I like the idea of riding in certain weather. Most of the bikes I own, don’t do all that well in water and muck, but those fat bikes with their fat tires look to be great for riding in just about anything.

    I don’t know what bikes to recommend, but I’m sure there are some really good sites to check out. A friend owns a Kono branded fat bike, but that’s as much as I know on the type of bike he owns.


    You can try Framed Minnesota 2.0, it’s has short built to give free rider feel, In this you can quick swap the tires out for framed slims, allowing for commuting around the town easy. It’s good for beginners and is more affordable compared to other fat bikes in the market.


    Stability and suspension of fat bike tires are so good. And there are some fat bikes which accepts multiple wheel sizes.


    Any fat bikes would ride good in snow. Keep the tyre pressure low to get good traction. After riding wipe your bike clean as water accumulated in the cycle would cause rust in gears and breaks.


    Fat bikes are very much of great use during winter season. They usually have low tyre pressure.

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