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  • #1372

    Ones that most people wouldn’t normally ride. Like those big bikes with the really tiny wheel in the front and the big wheel in the back. Do you guys have any bikes in your collection that aren’t like traditional bikes or mountain bikes?

    Oh, I looked it up, searched bike with tiny front wheel and big back wheel and found out it was called a penny-farthing, which looks like this…👇
    [IMG width=”505px”][/IMG]

    Do you guys own any bikes like this?


    I owned a unicycle, and then gave it to a friend who rode it around town and after school. He got pretty good at it, but I couldn’t do it myself. That’s mainly why I gave it away to him.

    As for the bike you shared, I never rode one of those, but I think it’d be fun to try.


    I rode by friends tandem bicycle, it was fun. Little hard to control and balance at first, after that was fun riding. It’s specially good if you drive it in scenic roads.


    Oh no. I haven’t tried any of it. How will it be to use. I used to think it was just for a showpiece 🤣


    I tried Recumbent bike. It felt very funny. As I was used to MTb’s. It felt very strange to me.


    These are very strange ones. I used to love to watch these on television when I was in kid. I don’t know how could one balance in like these type bikes.


    Never got a chance to ride these different looking bikes. These bikes are any bike lovers dream bike.

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