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    I have a few vintage bikes in my collection, but I rarely bother to ride them because of their age and rarity. I was curious if you guys also ride your vintage bikes? Or do you keep them in a safe location to never ride again?


    That’s really up for you to decide. I know many who still ride vintage bikes, because sometimes the vintage ones run smoother for some. I like to ride some of my vintage bikes, but only for a ride here or there. I don’t go on dirt trails or trails in general because I want to minimize damage if there is any.


    Bikes are made to ride. Vintage bikes would need special care, but riding it, would give the love it needs.


    If i buy vintage bikes in future, I will definitely keep in a safe place and admire its beauty. I won’t try to ride since it will be old and may not be right to ride at that point of time.


    It depends upon the rarity. If the bike is very rare, would advise you to keep it safe and well maintained. If you break any of the parts, won’t be able to find any alternate. If not so rare, you can ride it with proper care.


    I would not ride vintage bikes. I would rather maintain it and keep it in riding condition. Occasionally I would take a small ride in it to just keep its condition in check.


    No I won’t prefer to ride vintage bikes because I feel it’s meant to be maintained properly for the lifetime and to show further for the generations to come.

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